Morton College Health & Wellness Update

July 14, 2022

Morton College Community:

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Morton College has been committed to providing COVID-19 resources for our college community.

On Tuesday, July 12, 2022, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2022-16, COVID-19 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 109, which lifts vaccination and testing mandates for higher education employees and students.

The updated executive order states that vaccination mandates will remain for all educators and staff working in K-12 schools, daycares, state-run 24/7 congregate care facilities, and any health care facilities not covered under the federal CMS.

Morton College Early Childhood Education educators and staff will require COVID -19 vaccination or undergo COVID testing at least once a week.

SHIELD IL will be conducting testing on-site until July 17, 2022. The COVID-19 test are administered for free.

Low or no-cost COVID-19 tests are available to everyone in the U.S., including the uninsured, at health centers and select pharmacies nationwide. Contact your health care provider or local public health department for more information. After July 17, you can also find Shield IL community testing locations and the community testing agency code to add to their accounts at

If you feel unwell or are experiencing flu-like symptoms, you should remain at home and consult with your healthcare provider. Common symptoms are fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Wearing a mask is optional, but it is your best defense against the virus.

If you test positive, please email our Morton College COVID Coordinator at A contact tracing will be conducted, and you will be provided with quarantine directions consistent with the Illinois Department of Health (IDPH) and the CDC guidance.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Morton College COVID Coordinator,

Thank you.

Morton College


Upcoming COVID Workshops/Events

COVID-19 Testing Resourses

Students 2 109
Employees 4 83

Table Updated: 07/21/2022

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Morton College Community:

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Morton College has been committed to providing COVID-19 resources for our college community.

As a reminder, all educators and staff working pre-K through college, college students, and health care workers require COVID -19 vaccination or undergo COVID testing at least once a week per Governor Pritzker’s issued Executive Order 2021-20, COVID-19 Executive Order No. 87.

If you have not yet uploaded your documentation, please go onto Cleared4 and upload as soon as you can. If you do not provide proof of vaccination, you must submit weekly testing for COVID-19.

SHIELD IL will be conducting testing on-site until July 17, 2022. The COVID-19 test are administered for free.

Low or no-cost COVID-19 tests are available to everyone in the U.S., including the uninsured, at health centers and select pharmacies nationwide. Contact your health care provider or local public health department for more information. After July 17, you can also find Shield IL community testing locations and the community testing agency code to add to their accounts at

If you feel unwell or are experiencing flu-like symptoms, you should remain at home and, consult with your healthcare provider. Common symptoms are fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Wearing a mask is optional but it is your best defense against the virus.

If you test positive, please email our Morton College COVID Coordinator at  A contact tracing will be conducted, and you will be provided with quarantine directions consistent with the Illinois Department of Health (IDPH) and the CDC guidance. .

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Morton College COVID Coordinator,

Thank you.

Morton College


A lo largo de la pandemia de COVID-19, Morton College se ha comprometido a proporcionar recursos de COVID-19 para nuestra comunidad universitaria.

Como recordatorio, todos los educadores y el personal que trabajan desde pre-K hasta la universidad, los estudiantes universitarios y los trabajadores de la salud requieren la vacunación COVID -19 o se someten a pruebas COVID al menos una vez a la semana como lo dicta la Executive Order 2021-20, COVID-19 Executive Order No. 87.

Si aún no ha cargado su documentación, vaya a Cleared4 y cárguelo tan pronto como pueda. Si no proporciona prueba de vacunación, debe presentar pruebas semanales para COVID-19. 

SHIELD IL realizará pruebas en sitio hasta el 17 de julio de 2022. La prueba de COVID-19 se administra de forma gratuita.

Las pruebas de COVID-19 de bajo costo o sin costo están disponibles para todos en los Estados Unidos, incluidos los no asegurados, en centros de salud y farmacias selectas en todo el país. Comuníquese con su proveedor de atención médica o con el departamento de salud pública local para obtener más información. Después del 17 de julio, también puede encontrar ubicaciones de pruebas de la comunidad de Shield IL y el código de la agencia de pruebas de la comunidad para agregar a sus cuentas en

Si se siente mal o experimenta síntomas similares a los de la gripe, debe permanecer en casa y consultar con su proveedor de atención médica. Los síntomas comunes son fiebre o escalofríos, tos, dificultad para respirar o dificultad para respirar, fatiga, dolores musculares o corporales, dolor de cabeza, pérdida del gusto o del olfato, dolor de garganta, congestión, náuseas o vómitos y diarrea. Usar un tapabocas es opcional, pero es su mejor defensa contra el virus. 

Si su prueba es positiva, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a nuestro Coordinador de COVID de Morton College a  Se llevará a cabo un rastreo de contactos y se le proporcionarán instrucciones sobre la cuarentena de acuerdo con el Departamento de Salud de Illinois (IDPH) y las directrices de los CDC.

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor contacte a nuestro Coordinador de COVID de Morton College,  


Morton College

Morton College Community,

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our response has been focused on our campus community's health and safety.

Effective February 28, face masks are optional. Additionally, proof of vaccination is no longer required to visit the Morton College Fitness Center. This new update complies with the State of Illinois and Cook County Department of Public Health COVID-19 mitigation updates.

As a reminder, all educators and staff working pre-K through college, college students, and health care workers require COVID-19 vaccination or undergo COVID testing at least once a week per Governor Pritzker's issued Executive Order 2021-20, COVID-19 Executive Order No. 87.

If you have not yet uploaded your documentation, please go onto Cleared4 and upload as soon as you can. If you do not provide proof of vaccination, you must submit weekly testing for COVID-19. Morton College offers COVID-19 testing daily. Visit our website for more information.

If students do not submit proof of vaccination or weekly COVID-19 testing, they are considered non-compliant. Non-compliant students will not access college resources or register for next semester.

Additionally, in a manner that is consistent with Illinois Department of Health (IDPH) and the CDC guidance to the COVID-19 pandemic, the quarantine for people who tested positive for COVID-19 will decrease from 10 days to 5 days if they do not have symptoms (may include fever, chills, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, loss of taste and/or smell) but must continue to mask for five days after the quarantine period ends. This recommendation applies to all individuals, including those who are unvaccinated.

Morton College is committed to mitigating the spread of this virus and keeping our students, employees, and community members safe. On Thursday, March 3, The Cook County Department of Health will be hosting a vaccination clinic in the Student Union that will include booster shots. We know that vaccinations save lives, and everyone who is able to get vaccinated is encouraged to do so.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Morton College Community Health Support at

We hope you enjoyed your holiday break and are staying safe and healthy.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our response has been focused on our campus community’s health and safety. This commitment remains a guiding rule of our return to campus plans for faculty, staff, and students.

As a reminder, all educators and staff working pre-K through college, college students, and health care workers require COVID-19 vaccination, or undergo COVID testing at least once a week per Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2021-20, COVID-19 Executive Order No. 87.

If you have not yet uploaded your documentation, please go onto Cleared4 and upload as soon as you can. If you do not provide proof of vaccination, you must submit weekly testing for COVID-19. Morton College offers COVID-19 testing daily. Visit our website for more information.

Effective January 3, 2022, any individual 5 years of age or older will be required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to visit the Morton College Fitness Center. This new update is in compliance with Cook County Department of Public Health Mitigation Order 2021-11.

Valid Forms of Verification Include:

  • Vaccination Card
  • Photocopy of Vaccination Card
  • Digital Copy Record or App
  • Printed Record from a Vaccine Provider

Paisans and the Nutrition Bar are in compliance with Cook County Department of Public Health Mitigation Order.

Additionally, in a manner that is consistent with Illinois Department of Health (IDPH) and the CDC guidance to the COVID-19 pandemic, the quarantine for people who tested positive for COVID-19 will decrease from 10 days to 5 days if they do not have symptoms (may include fever, chills, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, loss of taste and/or smell) but must continue to mask for 5 days after the quarantine period ends and provide a negative COVID-19 test result.  This recommendation applies to all individuals, including those who are unvaccinated.

If students do not submit proof of vaccination or weekly COVID-19 testing, they are considered non-compliant. Non-compliant students will not be able to access college resources and or register for next semester.

Morton College has incentives to encourage students to get vaccinated.

New Students registering for the Spring 2022 semester who submit their vaccination cards by Sunday, January 16, 2022 onto Cleared4, will receive a refund of one (1) in-district credit hour ($130), be entered in a raffle to win a Morton College scholarship, Laptop, or a $200 Bookstore voucher.

Students who are fully in compliance with the mandate have access to institutional resources such as but not limited to Student Emergency Funding, Transportation Assistance, Panther Pantry, Free Laptop program, and Wi-Fi hot spots.

Morton College is committed to mitigating the spread of this virus and keeping our students, employees, and community members safe. We know that vaccinations save lives, and everyone who is able to get vaccinated is encouraged to do so.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Morton College Community Health Support at

On Thursday, August 26, 2021, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2021-20, COVID-19 Executive Order No. 87, which makes it necessary for all educators and staff working pre-K through college, college students, and health care workers to be vaccinated or have their first dose of a two-dose series or their single-dose vaccine beginning September 19, or undergo COVID testing at least once a week.

All students and employees will receive an email invitation today from Morton College’s online verification platform, Cleared4. No app download, log-ins, or passwords are needed to use Cleared4.

If you have received the COVID-19 vaccinations, please submit your proof of vaccination through Cleared4.  This is a one-time verification. Please submit your vaccine verification records no later than September 19, 2021.

If you do not provide proof of vaccination, you must be tested once a week for COVID-19. Results of weekly testing will be sent to you. Please upload COVID-19 testing results through Cleared4.

If you do not provide proof of vaccination, you must be tested once a week for COVID-19. Results of weekly testing will be sent to you. Please upload COVID-19 testing results through Cleared4.

As a reminder, we have SHIELD IL conducting COVID testing on-site. The COVID-19 test will be administered for free.

Testing is conducted in Room 176C on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2 p.m.- 4 p.m.

Morton College Students and Employees can visit their Panther Portal to find information on how to create an account on the SHIELD IL portal and schedule their test appointment.

Additionally, Morton College has partnered with the Cook County Department of Public Health to offer COVID-19 vaccinations on Tuesday, September 28. More information is forthcoming.

Morton College is committed to mitigating the spread of this virus and keeping our students, employees, and community members safe. We know that vaccinations save lives, and everyone who is able to get vaccinated is encouraged to do so.

Visit the employee Panther Portal or the MC COVID Information and Resource webpage for more information.

Thank you all again for your continuing flexibility and willingness to do what is necessary to keep our community safe!

Morton College

Employee FAQ's        Student FAQ's

On Thursday, August 26, 2021, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2021-20, COVID-19 Executive Order No. 87, which makes it necessary for all educators and staff working pre-K through college, college students, and health care workers to be vaccinated or have their first dose of a two-dose series or their single-dose vaccine by September 5, or undergo COVID testing at least once a week.

Vaccinated individuals will be able to upload their vaccination card to a secure portal, and unvaccinated individuals must agree to abide by the safety protocols. Students whose classes are fully online (no in-person classes) are exempt from the mandate. Specific information about how students and employees will need to provide proof of vaccination, on-site vaccination clinics, and other compliance-related protocols will be finalized and shared as soon as possible.

Additionally, masks are required for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals at all times when on our campus, in accordance with the executive order mandating masks indoors for ages two and above.

Now’s the time to get your vaccination if you haven’t already. The Town of Cicero Health Department is continuing to offer COVID vaccinations to our faculty and staff.  If you are interested in signing up for the vaccination, please email

We also have SHIELD IL conducting COVID testing on-site. The COVID-19 test will be administered for free.

The SHIELD Illinois test is free to Illinois community colleges and the public through an agreement with the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Testing is conducted in Room 176C on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2 p.m.-4 p.m.

To get tested, individuals should create an account on the SHIELD IL portal and schedule their test appointment. Please use the URL and agency code below to create your portal:

Employees: 9y0t3ugx-emp

Students: 9y0t3ugx-stu

Please bring a photo ID and the QR code provided when you schedule your appointment.

Refrain from eating, drinking (including water), chewing gum, and using tobaccos for at least one hour before submitting your saliva sample at the test site. Doing any of these things within 60 minutes of providing a sample could produce an inconclusive result and require the individual to re-test. Test results will be posted in the patient portal after the lab results are completed.

Morton College is committed to mitigating the spread of this virus and keeping our students, employees, and community members safe. We know that vaccinations save lives, and everyone who is able to get vaccinated is encouraged to do so.  Visit the MC COVID Information and Resource webpage for more information.

Thank you all again for your continuing flexibility and willingness to do what is necessary to keep our community safe!

Morton College

On Thursday, August 26, 2021, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2021-20, COVID-19 Executive Order No. 87, which makes it necessary for all educators and staff working pre-K through college, college students, and health care workers to be vaccinated or have their first dose of a two-dose series or their single-dose vaccine by September 5, or undergo COVID testing at least once a week.

Additionally, masks are required for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals at all times when on our campus, in accordance with the executive order mandating masks indoors for ages two and above.

As a reminder, we also have SHIELD IL conducting COVID testing on-site, and we will continue to facilitate access to vaccines.  Specific information about how students and employees will need to provide proof of vaccination, on-site vaccination clinics, and other compliance-related protocols will be finalized and shared as soon as possible.

Morton College is committed to mitigating the spread of this virus and keeping our students, employees, and community members safe. We know that vaccinations save lives, and everyone who is able to get vaccinated is encouraged to do so.  Visit the MC COVID Information and Resource webpage for more information.

Thank you all again for your continuing flexibility and willingness to do what is necessary to keep our community safe!

On Friday, August 20, the Cook County Department of Public Health issued a mitigation order that requires masks in indoor public settings for all persons over two-years-old and regardless of vaccination status, effective Monday, August 23, 2021.

Consistent with revised Cook County Department of Public Health guidance, face masks or cloth face coverings will be required indoors for everyone on campus.

All students, faculty, and staff are strongly encouraged to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as the best way to protect themselves and other members of our college community. As a reminder, we also have SHIELD IL conducting COVID testing on-site and will continue to facilitate access to vaccines.

Your health and safety are our top priority. We will continue monitoring the local, state, and national COVID-19 guidance. Visit the MC COVID Information and Resource webpage for more information.

Morton College has partnered with SHIELD Illinois to provide salvia-based COVID-19 tests to our students, faculty, and staff.

SHIELD Illinois is a University of Illinois program whose goal is to share the innovative, saliva-based COVID-19 test developed at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with the rest of the state. The process requires individuals to deposit a small amount of saliva in a vial, which usually takes less than five minutes, and provides results within 24 hours of samples reaching a SHIELD Illinois lab.

The COVID-19 test will be administered for free. The SHIELD Illinois test is free to Illinois community colleges and the public through an agreement with the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Testing is conducted in Room 176C on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2 p.m.-4 p.m.

To get tested, individuals should create an account on the SHIELD IL portal and schedule their test appointment. Please use the URL and agency code below to create your portal:

Employees: 9y0t3ugx-emp

Students: 9y0t3ugx-stu

Please bring a photo ID and the QR code provided when you schedule your appointment.

Refrain from eating, drinking (including water), chewing gum, and using tobaccos for at least one hour before submitting your saliva sample at the test site. Doing any of these things within 60 minutes of providing a sample could produce an inconclusive result and require the individual to re-test. Test results will be posted in the patient portal after the lab results are completed.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Morton College Community Health Nurse, Dana Kraft at

We are excited to soon welcome our employees back to campus!

The State of Illinois entered Phase V in their reopening plans in a manner that is consistent with the Illinois Department of Health (IDPH), the Town of Cicero, and the CDC guidance to the COVID-19 pandemic. Morton College employees are expected to return to an on-campus work schedule no later than Thursday, June 17.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our response has been focused on our campus community’s health and safety. We continue with our commitment as a guiding principle of our return to campus plans for faculty, staff, and students.

You will no longer need to complete the daily self-screening through #CampusClear. Masks and physical distancing are optional if you are fully vaccinated

For the Summer term, classrooms will operate at previously planned reduced capacity.

The COVID-19 vaccine is a key part of allowing society to return to a safer, new normal. Thank you to the many students, faculty and staff who have already gotten vaccinated. Vaccinations are not required, but we highly encourage it —for your sake and for the safety of all of those you encounter.

For additional resources or if you have any questions, please reach out to the Morton College Community Health Nurse, Dana Kraft at


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The past few months have been anything but conventional for our college community.

Thank you so much for your continued commitment, compassion and collaboration through all the challenges we have faced.

As everything remains in a constant state of change, we at Morton College remain committed to providing a safe, inclusive, engaging and dynamic environment for all students to achieve their academic and personal aspirations.

We would like to share the details of our Fall reopening with you today.  We are fully invested in our community’s success, and our goal is to provide you with an academic experience that reflects the very best of Morton, just as we have throughout our long history.  To that end, a small campus community like ours has its advantages—it allows us to be agile, to communicate quickly and to utilize our facilities in creative ways.

We’ve incorporated each of these strengths into a reopening plan developed by our COVID-19 task force, in collaboration with faculty, staff across campus, and our college’s leadership.

After careful consideration and following the guidance of our local and state authorities, we have made the decision to begin Fall semester classes with a variety of course delivery options:


Courses offered on campus with enrollment limited to 10 students to ensure safe distancing.


Courses that have a regular on-campus component (usually on a weekly basis and often during the lab portion of class) as well as a regular “on a schedule” or “anytime” online component.

“On-a-Schedule” Online

A blend of scheduled online class meetings held via live videoconference (Blackboard Collaborate) in addition to “anytime” online coursework. All scheduled online meetings will take place during official, published class days and times.  Scheduled online meetings will also be advertised on the course’s syllabus. Students can meet with the instructor virtually during scheduled office hours.

“Anytime” Online

Classes are taught online with no regular online meeting times; coursework is all, or nearly all, asynchronous. Students meet with the instructor virtually during scheduled office hours (via Blackboard Collaborate videoconferencing).

As we look towards the Fall, it is important to remember that the COVID-19 pandemic remains prevalent around the nation and world. We cannot promise that we will not have positive cases on our campus this semester, but we are committed to undertaking efforts intended to create as safe an environment as feasible for students, faculty and staff. We each have a shared responsibility to follow best practices, including wearing a mask at all times, safe hygiene and physical distancing. Anything less may alter the trajectory of the semester and result in an unfortunate change of plans.

Preparing for Our Community’s Health and Well-Being

As indicated earlier, this is truly a collective campus effort in which each one of us has a role to play. We are a selfless community that looks out for one another.

  • Basic PPE (personal protective equipment) will be provided to all students upon their arrival.
  • There will be some upgrades to our physical spaces as well. Special signage and markers will make sure that physical distancing is top of mind, and plexiglass barriers are installed in areas where a higher level of face-to-face interaction occurs.
  • We worked with Paisans on dining experiences that respect physical distancing and discourage the shared use of food stations and other services.
  • Similarly, we coordinated an aggressive campus cleaning plan with our Facilities Department. While every academic building, bathrooms, office environment and every in-season athletic area are cleaned daily, it is important once again to emphasize our shared commitment to hygiene and cleanliness. We must all do our part. It will be expected that students and employees regularly clean their personal belongings and office spaces.

In addition, we are planning optional, low-density, and socially distant campus support and engagement activities that will be made available for students interested in participating in face-to-face programming. These programs will support a different but rich campus experience. Designated computer labs and quiet study spaces will be made available for students who desire a place to study and work.

Although we will remain mostly remote, we are continuing to gradually re-open in alignment with the Town of Cicero and the state of Illinois.

As always, these plans will develop and evolve as the pandemic and the regulatory environment shift. We will continue to provide regular communications, and will update our Morton College COVID-19 page and FAQ’s.  Please watch for our emails and check our websites regularly, and continue to send us feedback and questions at

This has been a year that has given us a lot to process – from the global epidemic to the social unrest fueled by decades of inequity. However, our community has always recognized that challenge helps us define opportunity. We have the opportunity to reimagine and innovate the ways we study, educate, interact, gather, work, and live. We can and must do this with our deep, continuing commitment to equity and building a strong, inclusive community.  Working together, we can define and lead toward new ways to engage and connect with one another and with our students.


Los últimos meses han sido todo, menos, convencional para nuestra comunidad universitaria.

Muchas gracias por su continuo compromiso, compasión y colaboración a través de todos los desafíos que hemos enfrentado

Mientras todo permanece en un estado constante de cambio, en Morton College seguimos comprometidos a proporcionar un ambiente seguro, inclusivo, atractivo y dinámico para que todos los estudiantes logren sus aspiraciones académicas y personales.

Nos gustaría compartir los detalles de nuestra reapertura de otoño con ustedes el día de hoy. Estamos totalmente invertidos en el éxito de nuestra comunidad, y nuestro objetivo es proporcionarles una experiencia académica que refleje lo mejor de Morton, tal como lo hemos hecho a lo largo de nuestra larga historia. Con ese fin, una pequeña comunidad del campus como la nuestra tiene sus ventajas: nos permite ser ágiles, comunicarnos rápidamente y utilizar nuestras instalaciones de maneras creativas.

Hemos incorporado cada una de estas fortalezas en un plan de reapertura desarrollado por nuestro grupo de trabajo COVID-19, en colaboración con profesores, personal de todo el campus y el liderazgo de nuestra universidad.

Después de una cuidadosa consideración y siguiendo la guía de nuestras autoridades locales y estatales, hemos tomado la decisión de comenzar las clases del semestre de otoño con una variedad de opciones en la implementación. 

“En el Campus”

Cursos ofrecidos en el campus con inscripción limitada a 10 estudiantes para garantizar un distanciamiento seguro. 


Cursos que tienen un componente regular en el campus (generalmente semanalmente y regularmente la parte de laboratorio de la clase) así como un componente en línea regular "en un horario" o "en cualquier momento".

“En un Horario” En línea

Una combinación de reuniones de clase en línea programadas que se llevan a cabo a través de videoconferencias en vivo (Blackboard Collaborate) en adición a los cursos en línea "en cualquier momento". Todas las reuniones en línea programadas tendrán lugar durante los días y horarios oficiales y publicados de la clase. Las reuniones en línea programadas también se anunciarán en el programa del curso. Los estudiantes pueden reunirse con el instructor virtualmente durante el horario de oficina programado.

“En Cualquier Momento” En Linea

Las clases se imparten en línea sin horarios regulares de reunión; el trabajo del curso es todo, o casi todo, asíncrono. Los alumnos se reúnen con el instructor virtualmente durante el horario de oficina programado (a través de la videoconferencia de Blackboard Collaborate).

Al mirar hacia el otoño, es importante recordar que la pandemia de COVID-19 sigue prevaleciendo en todo el país y el mundo. No podemos prometer que no tendremos casos positivos en nuestro campus este semestre, pero estamos comprometidos a emprender esfuerzos destinados a crear un ambiente tan seguro como sea factible para los estudiantes, profesores y personal. Cada uno de nosotros tiene la responsabilidad compartida de seguir las mejores prácticas, incluyendo usar una máscara en todo momento, higiene adecuada y distanciamiento físico. Cualquier cosa menos puede alterar la trayectoria del semestre y resultar en un desafortunado cambio de planes.

Prepararse para la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad

Como se indicó anteriormente, este es realmente un esfuerzo colectivo del campus en el que cada uno de nosotros tiene un papel que desempeñar. Somos una comunidad unida donde se cuida el uno al otro.

  • Se proporcionará EPP básico (equipo de protección personal) a todos los estudiantes a su llegada.
  • También habrá algunas mejoras en nuestros espacios físicos. La señalización y los marcadores especiales asegurarán de que el distanciamiento físico sea lo más importante, y barreras de plexiglás instaladas en áreas donde se produce un mayor nivel de interacción cara a cara.
  • Trabajamos con “Paisans” en opciones para comer, que respetan el distanciamiento físico y desalientan el uso compartido de estaciones de alimentos y otros servicios.

Del mismo modo, coordinamos un agresivo plan de limpieza del campus con nuestro Departamento de Instalaciones. Si bien todos los edificios académicos, baños, ambiente de oficina y cada área atlética de temporada se limpian diariamente, es importante hacer hincapié una vez más en nuestro compromiso compartido con la higiene y la limpieza. Todos debemos hacer nuestra parte. Se espera que los estudiantes y empleados limpien regularmente sus pertenencias personales y espacios de oficina.

Además, estamos planeando actividades opcionales, de baja densidad y socialmente distantes del campus y actividades de participación que estarán disponibles para los estudiantes interesados en participar en la programación cara a cara. Estos programas apoyarán una experiencia de campus diferente pero rica. Los laboratorios de computación designados y los espacios de estudio tranquilos estarán disponibles para los estudiantes que deseen un lugar para estudiar y trabajar.

Aunque permaneceremos casi siempre alejados, continuamos reabriéndose gradualmente en alineación con la ciudad y los estados de Illinois. 

Como siempre, estos planes se desarrollarán y evolucionarán a medida que cambien la pandemia y el entorno reglamentario. Continuaremos proporcionando comunicaciones regulares, y actualizaremos nuestra página COVID-19 de Morton College y preguntas frecuentes. Por favor, esté atento a nuestros correos electrónicos y consulte nuestros sitios web regularmente, y continúe enviándonos comentarios y preguntas en

Este ha sido un año que nos ha dado mucho para procesar, desde la epidemia mundial hasta el malestar social alimentado por décadas de inequidad. Sin embargo, nuestra comunidad siempre ha reconocido que el desafío nos ayuda a definir oportunidades. Tenemos la oportunidad de re imaginar e innovar las formas en que estudiamos, educamos, interactuamos, reunimos, trabajamos y vivimos. Podemos y debemos hacerlo con nuestro profundo y continuo compromiso con la equidad y la construcción de una comunidad fuerte e inclusiva. Trabajando juntos, podemos definir y dirigir hacia nuevas formas de interactuar y conectarnos entre sí y con nuestros estudiantes.

Students are encouraged to file feedback, both positive and negative, regarding any policy or practice at the college by submitting the Student Feedback Form. If you are an online student and feel that your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved through the Student Grievance Policy and Procedure you may contact the Illinois Community College Board or, if you are an out of state student you may file a complaint with the state in which you reside. For contact information, download Student Complaint Information by State (PDF).

Refund requests must follow the Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures. The Student Feedback Form must be submitted to the Dean of Student Services via email at  All requests must be completed within 30 college-business days of the end of the term in question.

Para español deslice hacia abajo/ For Spanish slide down

As always, we hope you are staying healthy and in good spirits. Despite the disruptions that COVID-19 has introduced into our lives, the combined efforts of the MC staff, students, and faculty have made it possible for us to confidently move forward into the Spring term. We continue to monitor events and decisions are made keeping the safety of the community as our top priority. In compliance with the Governor’s state-wide “shelter in place” order, the following is an update on Morton College operations as of May 4, 2020:

Our institution will follow the guidance of our local and state authorities, maintaining remote operations until at least May 30, 2020.  This means our campus will remain closed but will continue to operate remotely and virtually. Adjustments and notifications will be made as the situation evolves.

All three sessions of the Summer Semester will be offered in an online/remote format.

If you haven’t already, please familiarize yourself with the MC COVID-19 page. This page contains all communications to date regarding our plans and response to the pandemic, as well as links to many key resources like technology support, government services, and additional information for our college community. You may think of them as your “one stop shop” for all information related to the emergency measures we have taken and are taking in response to the coronavirus.

Remember to continue to log on to Blackboard frequently and to follow the directions from your instructor. If your class moved online and you have never had an online class before, please make sure to visit some suggestions and helpful links.

If you have problems or need help with resources log onto the Morton College Library Webpage and click on the ask a librarian link available Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Student Services, Library Resources, and Tutoring departments are available remotely through email and online/video enabled technology. Students can find additional information on remote services at

This is a challenging time, but through it all, we are proud of the strength and resilience of our college community. Please reach out to the Institutional Advancement Office via email at if you are in need of additional support.

Open Enrollment 

All new and current students can now enroll for the Summer and Fall semesters.. For more information and to view the schedules please visit or email the Academic Advising Department at

Placement Testing

Morton College is pleased to announce the return of placement testing during the COVID-19 campus closure. Students are able to schedule an exam appointment through their Academic Advisor. The Testing Center Staff will proctor the exam remotely using the Zoom video conferencing platform. Please note this remote testing initiative is a pilot program and will have limited capacity during the initial soft launch.

There are some eligibility requirements to participate in remote testing.

Students must have access to the following:

• Desktop or laptop computer with internet access (Chromebooks, tablets and phones are not suitable testing devices)

• Webcam

• Audio capability either with internal or external microphone

• Private testing area within their residence

• Computer must pass a system scan of the minimum hardware requirements for ACCUPLACER testing

Please contact your Academic Advisor to determine eligibility and schedule an exam.

Due to limited testing capacity, priority will be given to students requiring an exam for summer course registration at this time.

If you have any questions, please contact Academic Advising at or (708)656-8000, Ext. 2250.

Tutoring Center

Online tutoring is available for Writing, Math, Biology, HESI prep, and other STEM subjects. Please visit the Tutoring Center webpage to see the list of tutors you can email for help.


The May commencement ceremony is postponed. Morton College is committed to recognizing your achievement in a time, date and place to be determined.

Student Emergency Fund

The fund aims to provide eligible students facing short-term, non-reoccurring financial emergencies with help in the form of grants that range from $100-$500. For questions contact

Do you need a laptop for your classes? Complete an application for the Student Emergency Fund. Applications available at

Internet Access

Students who do not have internet connectivity at home may be eligible for a service below.

FCC agreement stating that providers will waive late fees, not cutoff service for lack of payment, and open hot-spots.

Please note that Morton College does not endorse one internet company over another, however, we want to share all information accessible to our students who may not have online access from home.



Como siempre, esperamos que se mantenga sano y animado. A pesar de las interrupciones que COVID-19 ha traído a nuestras vidas, los esfuerzos combinados del personal de MC, los estudiantes y la facultad han hecho posible que avancemos con confianza en el período de primavera. Seguimos monitoreando eventos, y las decisiones se toman manteniendo en mente la seguridad de la comunidad como nuestra máxima prioridad.  En cumplimiento de la orden de "refugio en el lugar" del Gobernador en todo el estado, la siguiente es una actualización sobre las operaciones de Morton College hasta el día de hoy, 4 de mayo de 2020:

Nuestra institución seguirá la orientación de nuestras autoridades locales y estatales, manteniendo operaciones remotas por lo menos hasta el 30 de mayo de 2020. Esto significa que nuestro campus permanecerá cerrado, pero continuará operando de forma remota y virtual. Los re-ajustes y notificaciones se realizarán a medida que la situación evolucione.

Las tres sesiones del Semestre de Verano se ofrecerán en formato en línea/remoto.

Si aún no lo ha hecho, familiarícese con la páginaMC COVID-19 page (file:///C:/Users/ana.valdez/Desktop/at http:/ Esta página contiene toda la comunicación hasta la fecha con respecto a nuestros planes y respuesta a la pandemia, así como enlaces a muchos recursos clave como apoyo tecnológico, servicios gubernamentales e información adicional para nuestra comunidad universitaria. Usted puede pensar en ellos como su "ventanilla única" para toda la información relacionada con las medidas de emergencia que hemos tomado y estamos tomando en respuesta al coronavirus.

Recuerde continuar acezando su sesión en Blackboard con frecuencia y seguir las instrucciones de su instructor. Si su clase se mudó en línea y nunca ha tenido una clase en línea antes, asegúrese de visitar para tener acceso a algunas sugerencias y enlaces útiles

Si tiene problemas o necesita ayuda con los recursos, inicie sesión en la página web deMorton College Library y haga clic en el enlace  (“Ask a librarian”) pregunte abibliotecario, disponible de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m.

Los departamentos de Servicios Estudiantiles, Recursos bibliotecarios y Tutoría están disponibles de forma remota a través de correo electrónico y en línea en

Este es un momento difícil, pero a través de todo, estamos orgullosos de la fuerza y la resiliencia de nuestra comunidad universitaria. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Avance Institucional por correo electrónico a institutional.advancement@standardiste-virtuelle.comsi necesita apoyo adicional.

Inscripciones Abiertas

Todos los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso y actuales ahora pueden inscribirse para los semestres de verano y otoño. Para obtener más información y ver los horarios, visitewww.Morton.eduo envíe un correo electrónico al Departamento de Asesoramiento Académico

Pruebas de Colocación

Morton College se complace en anunciar el regreso de las pruebas de colocación durante el cierre del campus COVID-19. Los estudiantes pueden programar una cita para el examen a través de su Asesor Académico. El personal del Centro de Pruebas procesará el examen de forma remota utilizando la plataforma de videoconferencia Zoom. Tenga en cuenta que esta iniciativa de pruebas remotas es un programa piloto y tendrá una capacidad limitada durante el lanzamiento inicial.

Hay algunos requisitos de elegibilidad para participar en pruebas remotas.

Los estudiantes deben tener acceso a lo siguiente:

  • El ordenador de sobremesa o el ordenador portátil con el acceso a internet (Chromebook, las tabletas y los teléfonos no son dispositivos de pruebas convenientes)
  • Cámara web
  • Capacidad de audio con micrófono interno o externo
  • Área de pruebas privada dentro de su residencia
  • El ordenador debe pasar una exploración del sistema de los requisitos del hardware mínimo para pruebas de ACCUPLACER

Por favor, póngase en contacto con su Asesor Académico para determinar la elegibilidad y programar un examen.

Debido a la limitada capacidad de las pruebas, se dará prioridad a los estudiantes que requieran un examen para el registro del curso de verano en este momento

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Academic Advising en o (708) 656-8000, ext. 2250.

Centro de Tutoría

La tutoría en línea está disponible para escritura, matemáticas, biología, preparación para HESI y otras materias STEM. Visite la página web del Centro de Tutoría para ver la lista de tutores que puede enviar por correo electrónico para obtener ayuda.

La ceremonia de inicio de mayo se pospone. Morton College se compromete a reconocer su logro en un momento, fecha y lugar por determinar.

Fondo de Emergencia Estudiantil

El fondo tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los estudiantes elegibles que enfrentan emergencias financieras a corto plazo y con ayuda en forma de becas que van desde $100-$500. Para preguntas, póngase en contacto con

¿Necesita una computadora portátil para sus clases? Complete una solicitud para el Fondo de Emergencia Estudiantil. Solicitudes disponibles en

Conexión de Internet

Los estudiantes que no tienen conectividad a Internet en casa pueden ser elegibles para un servicio a continuación.

  • Respuesta Comcast COVID-19/Comcast COVID-19 response: ofrece WiFi gratuita durante 2 meses a familias de bajos ingresos, además de que todos los puntos de acceso de Xfinity son gratuitos para el público durante este tiempo.
  • Oferta de Internet gratuito Charter por 2 meses /Charter Free Internet offer for 2 months
  • AT&T COVID-19 respuesta /AT&T COVID-19 response: ofrece puntos de acceso  abiertos, datos ilimitados a los clientes existentes y planes de $10/mes a familias de bajos ingresos.
  • Verizon COVID-19 /Verizon COVID-19 response: no hay ofertas especiales, pero siguen el acuerdo de la FCC.
  • Sprint COVID-19/Sprint COVID-19 response: sigue el acuerdo de la FCC, proporciona datos ilimitados a los clientes existentes

Respuesta T-Mobile COVID-19/T-Mobile COVID-19 response: sigue el acuerdo de FCC, además de datos ilimitados a los clientes existentes, y, próximamente, permitirá que todos los teléfonos tengan acceso abierto a los puntos de acceso durante 60 días sin cargo adicional.

Acuerdo de la FCC (FCC agreement ) indica que los proveedores renunciarán a cargos por demora, no servicio de corte por falta de pago y puntos calientes abiertos. 

Tenga en cuenta que Morton College no respalda a una compañía de Internet sobre otra, sin embargo, queremos compartir toda la información accesible para nuestros estudiantes que pueden no tener acceso en línea desde casa.

Para español deslice hacia abajo/ For Spanish slide down

Morton College was alerted that there was a confirmed case of COVID-19 within a member of our college community. The individual is following the quarantine guidelines of the Illinois Department of Public Health, and all appropriate agencies have been notified.


Morton College is taking all precautions as established within our emergency management plans and in accordance with IDPH and CDC guidelines for institutions of higher learning. In keeping the safety of our community our top priority, effective immediately the Panther Pantry will be closed until further notice. We understand the inconvenience this will cause, however, we are working to establish an alternative method to continue to support our college community during the pandemic.

We ask that you reach out to your health care provider on general guidance on how to proceed, if you have specific concerns related to potential contact and/or symptoms. Morton College continues to encourage our community to self-isolate through stay-at-home measures.

Please reach out to the Institutional Advancement Office via email to report COVID-19 cases or if you have additional questions.



Morton College fue alertado de que hay un caso confirmado de COVID-19 en un miembro perteneciente a nuestra comunidad universitaria. El individuo está siguiendo las pautas de cuarentena del Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois, y todas las agencias apropiadas han sido notificadas.

Morton College está tomando todas las precauciones establecidas en nuestros planes de manejo de emergencias y de acuerdo con la directriz del IDPH y los CDC bajo las instituciones de educación superior. El mantenimiento de la seguridad de nuestra comunidad es nuestra máxima prioridad, con efecto inmediato la Despensa Panther (“Panther Pantry”) será cerrada hasta nuevo aviso. Entendemos las molestias que esto causará; sin embargo, estamos trabajando para establecer un método alternativo para seguir apoyando a nuestra comunidad universitaria durante la pandemia.

Le pedimos que se ponga en contacto con su proveedor de atención médica sobre la orientación general sobre cómo proceder, si tiene preocupaciones específicas relacionadas con posibles contactos y/o síntomas. Morton College continúa animando a nuestra comunidad a auto aislarse a través de medidas de “Quédate en Casa”.

Comuníquese con la Oficina de Avance Institucional por correo electrónico para informar de casos COVID-19 o si tiene preguntas adicionales.

Morton College Community: 

As always, we hope you are staying safe and healthy during this time. We continue to monitor events as we move forward and decisions are made keeping the safety of the community as our top priority. In compliance with the Governor’s state-wide “shelter in place” order, the following is an update on Morton College operations as of April 20, 2020:

Our institution will follow the guidance of our local and state authorities, maintaining remote operations until at least May 15, 2020.  This means our campus will remain closed but will continue to operate remotely and virtually.  Adjustments and notifications will be made as the situation evolves. 

If you haven’t already, please familiarize yourself with the MC COVID-19 page. This page contains all communications to date regarding our plans and response to the pandemic, as well as links to many key resources like technology support, government services, and additional information for our college community.  You may think of them as your “one stop shop” for all information related to the emergency measures we have taken and are taking in response to the coronavirus.

Remember to continue to log on to Blackboard frequently and to follow the directions from your instructor.   If your class moved online and you have never had an online class before, please make sure to visit some suggestions and helpful links. 

If you have problems or need help with resources log onto the Morton College Library Webpage and click on the ask a librarian link available Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Student Services, Library Resources, and Tutoring departments are available remotely through email and online/video enabled technology.  Students can find additional information on remote services at

This is a challenging time, but through it all, we are proud of the strength and resilience of our college community.  Please reach out to the Institutional Advancement Office via email at if you are in need of additional support.

Open Enrollment  

All new and current students can now enroll for the Summer and Fall semesters..  For more information and to view the schedules please visit or email the Academic Advising Department at

Placement Testing

Morton College is pleased to announce the return of placement testing during the COVID-19 campus closure. Students are able to schedule an exam appointment through their Academic Advisor. The Testing Center Staff will proctor the exam remotely using the Zoom video conferencing platform. Please note this remote testing initiative is a pilot program and will have limited capacity during the initial soft launch. 

There are some eligibility requirements to participate in remote testing. 

Students must have access to the following:

  • Desktop or laptop computer with internet access (Chromebooks, tablets and phones are not suitable testing devices)
  • Webcam
  • Audio capability either with internal or external microphone
  • Private testing area within their residence
  • Computer must pass a system scan of the minimum hardware requirements for ACCUPLACER testing

Please contact your Academic Advisor to determine eligibility and schedule an exam. 

Due to limited testing capacity, priority will be given to students requiring an exam for summer course registration at this time.

If you have any questions, please contact Academic Advising at or (708)656-8000, Ext. 2250. 


The May commencement ceremony is postponed. Morton College is committed to recognizing your achievement in a time, date and place to be determined.

Student Emergency Fund

The fund aims to provide eligible students facing short-term, non-reoccurring financial emergencies with help in the form of grants that range from $100-$500.  For questions contact

Do you need a laptop for your classes? Complete an application for the Student Emergency Fund. Applications available at 

Panther Pantry Information 

Open to all MC Students, Faculty, & Staff.

Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Room 328C

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

The Panther Pantry will remain open to assist our community’s increased need for food.  Quantities and varieties of produce and available canned and dry food options will vary weekly. Please bring reusable bag. While campus is closed, please check-in with campus police. 

You can also find a partner agency in the GCFD network at We recommend you call first before you visit to confirm hours of operation and requirements.

Now accepting donations of toiletries and canned, dry and non-perishable foods. Monetary donations accepted at 

Questions? Email 

Internet Access

Students who do not have internet connectivity at home may be eligible for a service below.

FCC agreement stating that providers will waive late fees, not cutoff service for lack of payment, and open hot-spots.

Please note that Morton College does not endorse one internet company over another, however, we want to share all information accessible to our students who may not have online access from home.


Comunidad de Morton College:

Como siempre, esperamos que se mantenga seguro y saludable durante este tiempo. Seguimos monitoreando los eventos a medida que avanzamos y las decisiones se toman manteniendo la seguridad de la comunidad como nuestra máxima prioridad. En cumplimiento de la orden de “refugio" del Gobernador en todo el estado, la siguiente es una actualización sobre las operaciones de Morton College este 20 de abril de 2020:

Nuestra institución seguirá la orientación de nuestras autoridades locales y estatales, manteniendo operaciones remotas al menos hasta el 15 de mayo de 2020. Esto significa que nuestro campus permanecerá cerrado, pero continuará operando de forma remota y virtual. Los ajustes y notificaciones se realizarán a medida que la situación evolucione.

Si aún no lo ha hecho, familiarícese con la página MC COVID-19 page. Esta página contiene toda la comunicación hasta la fecha con respecto a nuestros planes y respuesta a la pandemia, así como enlaces a muchos recursos clave como apoyo tecnológico, servicios gubernamentales e información adicional para nuestra comunidad universitaria. Usted puede pensar en ellos como su "ventanilla única" para toda la información relacionada con las medidas de emergencia que hemos tomado y estamos tomando en respuesta al coronavirus.

Recuerde continuar acezando su sesión en Blackboard con frecuencia y seguir las instrucciones de su instructor. Si su clase se mudó en línea y nunca ha tenido una clase en línea antes, asegúrese de visitar  para tener acceso a algunas sugerencias y enlaces útiles

Si tiene problemas o necesita ayuda con los recursos, inicie sesión en la página web de Morton College Library y haga clic en el enlace  (“Ask a librarian”) pregunte a bibliotecario, disponible de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m.

Los departamentos de Servicios Estudiantiles, Recursos bibliotecarios y Tutoría están disponibles de forma remota a través de correo electrónico y en línea en

Este es un momento difícil, pero a través de todo, estamos orgullosos de la fuerza y la resiliencia de nuestra comunidad universitaria. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Avance Institucional por correo electrónico a si necesita apoyo adicional.

Inscripciones Abiertas

Todos los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso y actuales ahora pueden inscribirse para los semestres de verano y otoño. Para obtener más información y ver los horarios, visite o envíe un correo electrónico al Departamento de Asesoramiento Académico a

Pruebas de Colocación

Morton College se complace en anunciar el regreso de las pruebas de colocación durante el cierre del campus COVID-19. Los estudiantes pueden programar una cita para el examen a través de su Asesor Académico. El personal del Centro de Pruebas procesará el examen de forma remota utilizando la plataforma de videoconferencia Zoom. Tenga en cuenta que esta iniciativa de pruebas remotas es un programa piloto y tendrá una capacidad limitada durante el lanzamiento inicial.

Hay algunos requisitos de elegibilidad para participar en pruebas remotas.

Los estudiantes deben tener acceso a lo siguiente:

  • El ordenador de sobremesa o el ordenador portátil con el acceso a internet (Chromebook, las tabletas y los teléfonos no son dispositivos de pruebas convenientes)
  • Cámara web
  • Capacidad de audio con micrófono interno o externo
  • Área de pruebas privada dentro de su residencia
  • El ordenador debe pasar una exploración del sistema de los requisitos del hardware mínimo para pruebas de ACCUPLACER

Por favor, póngase en contacto con su Asesor Académico para determinar la elegibilidad y programar un examen.

Debido a la limitada capacidad de las pruebas, se dará prioridad a los estudiantes que requieran un examen para el registro del curso de verano en este momento


La ceremonia de inicio de mayo se pospone. Morton College se compromete a reconocer su logro en un momento, fecha y lugar por determinar.

Fondo de Emergencia Estudiantil

El fondo tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los estudiantes elegibles que enfrentan emergencias financieras a corto plazo y con ayuda en forma de becas que van desde $100-$500. Para preguntas, póngase en contacto con

¿Necesita una computadora portátil para sus clases? Complete una solicitud para el Fondo de Emergencia Estudiantil. Solicitudes disponibles en

Información de la Despensa Panther

Abierto a todos los estudiantes de MC, Facultad, & Personal

Martes y Miércoles

Salón 328C

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

La despensa Panther permanecerá abierta para apoyar a nuestra comunidad en el aumento en la necesidad de alimentos. Las cantidades y variedades de productos y opciones disponibles de alimentos enlatados y secos varían semanalmente. Por favor traiga una bolsa reutilizable. Mientras el campus está cerrado, por favor, cheque con la policía del campus.

También puede encontrar una agencia asociada en la red GCFD en  Le recomendamos que llame primero antes de visitarlos para confirmar las horas de operación y los requisitos.

Ahora estamos aceptando donaciones de artículos de higiene personal y alimentos enlatados, secos y no perecederos. Se aceptan donaciones monetarias en

Preguntas, por favor mande un correo electrónico a

Los estudiantes que no tienen conectividad a Internet en casa pueden ser elegibles para un servicio a continuación.

  • Respuesta Comcast COVID-19/ Comcast COVID-19 response: ofrece WiFi gratuita durante 2 meses a familias de bajos ingresos, además de que todos los puntos de acceso de Xfinity son gratuitos para el público durante este tiempo.
  • Oferta de Internet gratuito Charter por 2 meses / Charter Free Internet offer for 2 months
  • AT&T COVID-19 respuesta / AT&T COVID-19 response: ofrece puntos de acceso  abiertos, datos ilimitados a los clientes existentes y planes de $10/mes a familias de bajos ingresos.
  • Verizon COVID-19 / Verizon COVID-19 response: no hay ofertas especiales, pero siguen el acuerdo de la FCC.
  • Sprint COVID-19/ Sprint COVID-19 response: sigue el acuerdo de la FCC, proporciona datos ilimitados a los clientes existentes

Respuesta T-Mobile COVID-19/T-Mobile COVID-19 response: sigue el acuerdo de FCC, además de datos ilimitados a los clientes existentes, y, próximamente, permitirá que todos los teléfonos tengan acceso abierto a los puntos de acceso durante 60 días sin cargo adicional.

Acuerdo de la FCC ( FCC agreement ) indica que los proveedores renunciarán a cargos por demora, no servicio de corte por falta de pago y puntos calientes abiertos.

Tenga en cuenta que Morton College no respalda a una compañía de Internet sobre otra, sin embargo, queremos compartir toda la información accesible para nuestros estudiantes que pueden no tener acceso en línea desde casa.

As we enter April, more information continues to become available to inform our decisions about the current COVID-19 pandemic, and to ensure the health and safety of our college community.   In compliance with the Governor’s state-wide “shelter in place” order, the following is an update on Morton College operations as of April 3, 2020:

On April 1st, Governor Pritzker extended the shelter-at-home ordinance for the state of Illinois through April 30. Accordingly, our institution will follow the guidance of our local and state authorities, maintaining remote operations until at least Thursday, April 30.  This means our campus will remain closed but will continue to operate remotely and virtually for the entire month of April.  Adjustments and notifications will be made as the situation evolves.

Remember to continue to log on to Blackboard frequently and to follow the directions from your instructor.   If your class moved online and you have never had an online class before, please make sure to visit some suggestions and helpful links. 

If you have problems or need help with resources log onto the Morton College Library Webpage and click on the ask a librarian link available Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Student Services, Library Resources, and Tutoring departments are available remotely through email and online/video enabled technology.  Students can find additional information on remote services at

Thank you all for your partnership and fortitude as we continue to navigate these extraordinary circumstances We want to assure you that we are working diligently to ensure that our students have the support and resources they need to get through this challenging time. Please reach out to the Institutional Advancement Office via email at if you are in need of additional support.

Student Emergency Fund

The fund aims to provide eligible students facing short-term, non-reoccurring financial emergencies with help in the form of grants that range from $100-$500.  For questions contact

Do you need a laptop for your classes? Complete an application for the Student Emergency Fund. Applications available at 

Panther Pantry Information 

Open to all MC Students, Faculty, & Staff.

Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Room 328C

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

The Panther Pantry will remain open to assist our community’s increased need for food.  Quantities and varieties of produce and available canned and dry food options will vary weekly. Please bring reusable bag. While campus is closed, please check-in with campus police. 

You can also find a partner agency in the GCFD network at We recommend you call first before you visit to confirm hours of operation and requirements.

Now accepting donations of toiletries and canned, dry and non-perishable foods. Monetary donations accepted at

Questions? Email

Students who do not have internet connectivity at home may be eligible for a service below.

FCC agreement stating that providers will waive late fees, not cutoff service for lack of payment, and open hot-spots. 

Please note that Morton College does not endorse one internet company over another, however, we want to share all information accessible to our students who may not have online access from home.

Morton College was alerted that there was a confirmed case of COVID-19 within a member of our college community.  The student followed the quarantine guidelines of the Illinois Department of Public Health, and all appropriate agencies have been notified.
Morton College is taking all precautions as established within our emergency management plans and in accordance with IDPH and CDC guideline for institutions of higher learning. Face-to-face classes were cancelled on March 14th, and our campus was sanitized on March 21st. 
We ask that you reach out to your health care provider on general guidance on how to proceed, if you have specific concerns related to potential contact and/or symptoms. Morton College continues to encourage our community to self-isolate through stay-at-home measures. 
Please reach out to the Institutional Advancement Office via email at to report COVID-19 cases or if you have additional questions.

With each passing day, the actions Morton College takes in response to COVID-19 are to ensure the health and safety of our college community.  In compliance of the Governor’s state-wide “shelter in place” order, the following is an update on Morton College operations as of March 20, 2020:

The campus will be closed until further notice.

Classes are scheduled to resume Monday, March 23 in an online/remote format for a minimum of four weeks, ending April 19. Adjustments and notifications will be made as the situation evolves.

The first and foremost thing to remember is to continue to log on to Blackboard frequently and to follow the directions from your instructor.   If your class moved online and you have never had an online class before, please make sure to visit some suggestions and helpful links. 

If you have problems or need help with resources log onto the Morton College Library Webpage and click on the ask a librarian link available Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Student Services, Library Resources, and Tutoring departments are available remotely through email and online/video enabled technology.  Students can find additional information on remote services at

This is an unprecedented situation—one that has caused a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. We want to assure you that we are working diligently to ensure that our students have the support and resources they need to get through this challenging time. Please reach out to the Institutional Advancement Office via email at if you are in need of additional support.

Panther Pantry Information 

Open to all MC Students, Faculty, & Staff.

Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Room 328C

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

The Panther Pantry will remain open to assist our community’s increased need for food.  Quantities and varieties of produce and available canned and dry food options will vary weekly. Please bring reusable bag. While campus is closed, please check-in with campus police. 

You can also find a partner agency in the GCFD network at We recommend you call first before you visit to confirm hours of operation and requirements.

Now accepting donations of toiletries and canned, dry and non-perishable foods. Monetary donations accepted at

Questions? Email

Students who do not have internet connectivity at home may be eligible for a service below.

FCC agreement stating that providers will waive late fees, not cutoff service for lack of payment, and open hot-spots.
Please note that Morton College does not endorse one internet company over another, however, we want to share all information accessible to our students who may not have online access from home.

Dear Panthers:

 Over the last few days, you have received communications regarding Morton College’s COVID-19 coordination and preparedness.   This is an unprecedented situation—one that has caused a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. We want to remind you of our commitment to our college community and assure you that we are working diligently to ensure that our students have the support and resources they need to get through this challenging time.   

March 23 through March 29, online and hybrid courses will only be delivered in an online format. All other instruction will be delivered remotely through online or alternative delivery formats that do not involve face-to-face instruction. 

Support services such as advising, counseling, and disability services will be available online. 

All College-sponsored events between now and March 30 are canceled or postponed; some events may be rescheduled. 

Below you will find additional information to help navigate through the social distancing phase. 

Please continue to monitor the College’s website, the College’s portal, and your Morton College email daily for updated information. Please reach out to the Institutional Advancement Office via email at if you are in need of additional support. 

Panther Pantry Information
Open to all MC Students, Faculty, & Staff.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Room 328C
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

The Panther Pantry will remain open to assist our community’s increased need for food.  Quantities and varieties of produce and available canned and dry food options will vary weekly. Please bring reusable bag.

You can also find a partner agency in the GCFD network at We recommend you call first before you visit to confirm hours of operation and requirements.

Now accepting donations of toiletries and canned, dry and non-perishable foods. Monetary donations accepted at

Questions? Email

Student Emergency Fund
The fund aims to provide eligible students facing short-term, non-reoccurring financial emergencies with help in the form of grants that range from $100-$500. To learn more and download the application click here.

Student Services
Our most important responsibility is to provide continuity of student services. The College will offer virtual services for majority of student services departments. Please contact the respective department for further information.

  • Academic Advising is open for online advising appointments through March 29th. Any student can get in touch with their advisor via email or are welcome to meet with an advisor via Zoom. Please email your advisor directly for assistance scheduling an appointment or with any other advising questions. If you are unsure who your advisor is, please
  • Counseling services are available for students feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Personal Counseling services are provided by licensed mental health professional and is provided for currently enrolled students at no cost. To request Counseling Service please email Jennifer Iniquez at to schedule an appointment.
  • Disabilities services are available for students. Contact Ashanta Marshall at to schedule an online appointment. 
  • Career Services is available for online career development appointments. Contact Gina Torres at to schedule an appointment via zoom.
  • For Enrollment and Admissions questions contact Diego U Aleman Santiaguillo at

Financial Aid
Financial Aid is open for online appointments through March 29th. Any student can get in touch with their Financial Aid advisor via email or are welcome to meet with an advisor via Zoom. Please email your advisor directly for assistance scheduling an appointment or with any other financial aid questions. If you are unsure who your advisor is, please contact

You can view your Financial Aid access on your Panther Portal. The Self-Service Financial Aid feature allows you to know where you are in the financial aid process, the next steps required and other important details. It gives you real-time access to your financial aid record. See attachment for more information.

Beginning the week of March 16th, all refund checks will be mailed out on Fridays.  If you would prefer to receive your refund check direct deposited, log in to your student Portal and complete your bank information under the Self-Service - Financial Information.

Fitness Center
The College’s Fitness Center is closed through March 30.


Beginning today, March 18th, the Morton College Library will be closed until Monday, March 23rd.

If your class moved online and you have never had an online class before, make sure to take advantage of the list of resources from various colleges and universities to help you with the transition (Hagerstown Community College) (Howard Community College)

Adjusting your study habits during COVID.  (University of Michigan)

These “Online Readiness Tutorials” may also help.

Click here for a pdf with some suggestions and helpful links.

The first and foremost thing to remember is that it is to continue to log on to Blackboard frequently and to follow the directions from your instructor!

If you have problems or need help with resources log onto the Morton College Library Webpage and click on the ask a librarian link available Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Students who do not have internet connectivity at home may be eligible for a service below.

  • Comcast COVID-19 response: offers free WiFi for 2 months to low income families plus all Xfinity hot-spots are free to the public during this time.
  • AT&T COVID-19 response: offers open hot-spots, unlimited data to existing customers, and $10/month plans to low income families.
  • Sprint COVID-19 response: follows FCC agreement, provides unlimited data to existing customers, and, starting Tuesday, 3/17/2020, will allow all handsets to enable hot-spots for 60 days at no extra charge.
  • T-Mobile COVID-19 response: follows FCC agreement, plus unlimited data to existing customers, and, coming soon, will allow all handsets to enable hot-spots for 60 days at no extra charge.

FCC agreement stating that providers will waive late fees, not cutoff service for lack of payment, and open hot-spots.

Please note that Morton College does not endorse one internet company over another, however, we want to share all information accessible to our students who may not have online access from home.

Statewide Adult Education Program Closure
ICCB is hereby requiring the closure of all funded Adult Education Programs beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020, through March 30, 2020, with a tentative reopening date of March 31, 2020. These dates are consistent with the Governor’s closings of K-12 schools. Closure extensions beyond this point will be considered on a case by case basis by the ICCB.

Placement Testing & GED Testing
All placement testing and GED testing is postponed until after March 30th, 2020. More information will be forthcoming.

Make Up Testing and Tutoring Change
Make Up Testing will not be open for student testing until further notice.

Limited remote tutoring will be available. Contacts are:

Writing: Julie Steinhaus-

Math: Chemistry, Physics- David Labno

Biology: HESI preparation- Paul Thomas

Morton College Bookstore Hours
The Bookstore will be closed from now until March 30, 2020. The online bookstore is still accessible to all and Follett is offering free ground shipping on any online orders.

Shop online here!

MC Resources
Videos on How to Drop a Class, how to log-in to your portal, and more available by clicking here.


Comcast Internet Essentials Program
Students who do not have internet connectivity at home may be eligible for the Comcast Internet Essentials Program.

From the website: As the country deals with the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Comcast is taking immediate steps to help connect more low-income families to the Internet at home. Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, new Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of Internet service. We are also increasing the speed of the program to 25 Mbps downloads, and 3 Mbps uploads for all new and existing customers.

To be eligible a household must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • MEDICAID: Card or most recent eligibility letter for an adult in your household.
  • Public housing assistance documentation such as your lease, housing assistance payment (HAP) contract, or eligibility documentation from HUD.
  • SNAP: Letter indicating you are approved for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits.
  • TANF: Eligibility letter for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
  • SSI: Eligibility letter for Supplemental Security Income.
  • NSLP/Head Start: Copy of a letter indicating current participation in the National School Lunch Program or Head Start, with your child's name, the school name, and the address of where you are requesting service.
  • LIHEAP: Letter confirming your eligibility for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
  • WIC: Eligibility letter for the Women, Infants, and Children program.
  • FEDERAL PELL GRANT: (Colorado and Illinois only) Documentation from your community college’s financial aid office.
  • VA PENSION: Veterans pension eligibility determination letter from the Veterans Administration.
  • Tribal assistance eligibility letter, including TTANF, FDPIR, etc.

Please note that Morton College does not endorse one internet company over another, however, we want to share all information accessible to our students who may not have online access  from home.

For more information on the program and to apply visit their website.

Over the last few days, you have received communications regarding Morton College’s COVID-19 coordination and preparedness.  Face-to-face classes will not meet on Saturday, March 14.  March 23 through March 29, online and hybrid courses will only be delivered in an online format. All other instruction will be delivered remotely through online or alternative delivery formats that do not involve face-to-face instruction.

Currently, there are no known or reported cases of exposure to COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, on campus, and no students or employees have tested positive for the virus. The move to online courses is a precautionary measure.

While face-to-face classes will not be held, the College’s library will be open 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday during this period to provide students with computer and internet access. The 2nd-floor study area and rooms will not be accessible.   Student IDs will be required to enter the Library.  Attached you will find instructions on accessing your online courses, the Panther Portal and Blackboard.

Support services such as advising, counseling, and disability services will be available online.

All College-sponsored events between now and March 30 are canceled; some events may be rescheduled. The Fitness Center will be closed.

All staff and students should monitor the College’s website, the College’s portal, and Morton College email daily for updated information.

College officials have been monitoring the local situation with COVID-19 and are following all recommendations and guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions, and state and county public health departments. The College has a high standard of cleanliness for its facilities and on Saturday, March 21 there will be deep cleaning and sanitation of our facilities.   We will continue to take additional measures to ensure a clean environment for the benefit of our students, employees and the community.

This is an unprecedented situation—one that has caused a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. We want to assure you that we are working diligently to ensure that our students have the support and resources they need to get through this challenging time. Please reach out to the Institutional Advancement Office via email if you are in need of additional support.


Morton College


Stanley S. Fields, Ph.D.


Password Self-Service Instructions

Accessing Online Courses

Ellucian Go - Mobile Panther Portal Brochure

COVID-19 Morton College Response

College Community,

Morton College is closely monitoring national, state and regional health agencies with regard to the coronavirus (COVID-19).  Fortunately, there have been no confirmed cases among our faculty, staff and students.

Administrators have been coordinating the college's COVID-19 preparedness efforts by forming an Emergency Planning and Response Task Force. The task force will continue to meet and monitor the outbreak and stay in up to date with the information released by the Illinois Department of Public Health, local health departments, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other colleges and universities around the state and the nation.  The leadership of this group will continue to meet frequently, assess the situation as new information and data become available, recommending appropriate action as needed, and continuing to communicate with our college community.

During the next few weeks we will need the cooperation of every member of our college community, as we work to protect the health and safety of everyone.

Safety is a top priority for the College community and as any respiratory virus, you can protect yourself and others by taking every day common-sense actions:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

With information changing at a rapid pace, it is recommended that you visit or for more information and FAQs related to the coronavirus COVID-19.

If you have further questions, please reach out to Diego Aleman Santiaguillo at (708) 656-8000, ext. 2412.

Preparations campus-wide are being made in anticipation of a possible COVID-19 outbreak on campus.

Effective Friday, March 13, events with more than 50 attendees that are college-sponsored or hosted by registered student organizations and/or clubs will be suspended until further notice.

Events may occur via livestream or other online communications, or be postponed to a future date.

Educational information has been created and has been distributed around campus.  In addition, updated information regarding health hygiene measures suggested above has been published and provided to students and employees.

Communication with other state and regional institutions continues to happen daily.

Morton College is working in line with the recommendations from the CDC.

Morton College is working on Pandemic Flu Preparedness Plan reviewed by the Health Sciences Department, which will be put into action if conditions warrant. The plan is a collaborative effort between all departments at the college.

If we perceive a disruption to your traditional learning environment, MC will send you official communication. Please continue to monitor your email, social media outlets and Panther Portal for further updates.

Students are strongly encouraged to update contact information to receive alerts in the event of an emergency, visit your Panther Portal at 

Be sure to check your email often for communications from Morton College and instructors. As well as Blackboard for any updates on your Spring semester courses. 

If you have symptoms of fever, cough, and/or difficulty breathing and in the last 14 days you:

  • Traveled to China, South Korea, Iran, Italy or Japan.
  • Had close contact with someone who had traveled to an affected region in China, South Korea, Iran, Italy or Japan and had respiratory symptoms.

You should:

  • Seek medical care right away. Before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room, call ahead and tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.
  • Please call your physician or medical provider for advice.
  • Avoid contact with others.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

Morton College provides Counseling services for students who are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Personal Counseling services are provided by licensed mental health professional and is provided for currently enrolled students at no cost. To request Counseling Service please email Jennifer Iniquez at or phone 708-656-8000 ext. 2318 to schedule an appointment.

The college’s facilities department uses an EPA-registered disinfectant to clean touchpoints, and public and common area restrooms.

There are dispenser stations throughout campus containing hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer can help prevent the spread of the virus, though proper hand-washing technique is deemed to be more effective by the CDC.

Facilities has also implemented extra measures to clean and disinfect surfaces in public areas that are touched frequently. This includes surfaces such as door handles, banisters, and elevator buttons. It is also recommended that all departments purchase single use disinfectant wipes for human touch points within their work spaces such as keyboards, public counters, credit card readers, phones, and shared surfaces and items. We will continue to monitor recommendations from the CDC for preventing the spread of the virus.

There are no known cases of COVID-19 at Morton College at this time. MC is currently open and intends to stay open until further notice. All campus community members and event attendees should self-monitor for fever, cough, and other symptoms and stay home or isolate if ill.

We continue to align our recommendations with and follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and other local, state and federal agencies.

The college is sharing helpful videos for students to learn about online courses and tools on the Panther Portal. Visit our website for more information.

The college will continue to monitor and adjust policies and procedures as needed. The safety of our college community is always our top priority. Your cooperation and collaboration will help to ensure an appropriate response across our institution to this rapidly changing matter.

Local health departments and MC will closely monitor people who are at potential risk and have protocols for contacting individuals who may have been in close contact with community members being screened for COVID-19.

Should any MC community member be diagnosed with COVID-19, the relevant local health department and the college would initiate appropriate protocols to protect the health of anyone deemed to be at risk.