Enrollment Scenarios
The steps to enrollment depend on a student's specific goals and current academic status. To begin the process, determine which statement below most closely matches your goals.
I want to take a non-credit HSEC, ABE, or ELA class.
1. Take the Placement Test
All students intending to enroll in HSEC, ABE or ESL classes must take a placement test before registering for classes. For specific information on ABE and HSEC class, call the Office of Adult Education, call 708 656 8000, Ext. 2366 or email Adult Ed@standardiste-virtuelle.com
2. Register for Classes
The Adult Education Department can help determine appropriate classes to take. Registration for all ABE, HSEC and ELA classes will be scheduled following the administration of the placement test.
5. Pay Tuition and Fees
All Adult Education classes are free of charge; however, there is a nominal fee for HSEC instruction.
I'm not seeking a degree; I just want to take classes.
1. Apply for Admission
Fill out New Student Information Form and submit it to the Office of Admission and Records along with a copy of your high school transcripts or HSEC test scores, as well as transcripts from all colleges previously attended.
2. Take the Placement Test
Students must take a placement test before registering for an English or Mathemetics course (or a course with an English or mathematics prerequisite). Students may be exempt from placement testing based on previous college credit or ACT scores. For more information, contact the Academic Advising Center at (708) 656-8000, Ext. 2250.
4. Register for Classes
5. Pay Tuition and Fees
I want to take a Community Service Class
1. Visit the Community Service Instant Enrollment page
2. Enter all required information
To use the search function, you must first log in to the Panther Portal. You may also click the Submit button to see a list of currently offered courses.
3. Pay for the Community Service class
Enter credit card information.